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Financial Education

The Financial Education Plan is an initiative from the Spanish National Securities Market Commission, the Bank of Spain, the Directorate-General for Insurance and Pension Funds (DGFSP) and the General Secretariat for the Treasury and Financial Policy. Its objective is to contribute towards improving the financial culture of citizens, providing them with various tools, skills and knowledge related to finance.

ADECOSE has been a member of the Financial Education Plan since 2016 and works actively to promote the role of insurance brokers and foster quality and transparency in the insurance sector.

Every year our Association participates in Financial Education Day, a day of activities held on the first Monday of October with the aim of improving financial literacy among the entire Spanish population.


ADECOSE has a collaboration agreement with the Spanish Association of Insurers and Reinsurers (UNESPA), the respective Insurance Intermediary Colleges of Barcelona, Tarragona, Lleida and Girona, the Auditorium Foundation and the Col·legi d’Actuaris de Catalunya (Actuary Institute of Catalonia) to promote the training and qualification of professionals in the insurance sector through a dual vocational training promoted by the Z Zurich Foundation.ores de Seguros de Barcelona, Tarragona, Lleida y Girona, la Fundació Auditorium y el Col·legi d’Actuaris de Catalunya para impulsar la formación y la cualificación de los profesionales del sector asegurador a través de una FP dual promovida por la Z Zurich Foundation.
This agreement reinforces promotion of the higher level vocational certificate for Administration and Finance—geared towards the field of insurance management—in all the institutes dependent on the Department that teach it.

The ADECOSE Foundation’s objectives as a member of the Financial Education Plan:


Enhancing the value of insurance in general and of brokers in particular.


Promoting the quality of the insurance sector.


Orientating financial education to the normal development of people and, in particular, to retirement.


Driving the educational initiatives from the DGSFP, the CNMV and the Bank of Spain.

We give talks on Financial Education

The ADECOSE Foundation has a network of brokerage professionals that give talks on Financial Education. Its objective is to inform attendees about basic notions of insurance and its importance in people’s daily lives.

Contact us to participate in these educational talks.


Latest publications

on Financial Education

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