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Training programmes

At the ADECOSE Foundation we offer two training programmes geared towards professionals from our associated brokerages who want to acquire knowledge and tools that they can put into practice within their organisations. This year we are adding a new Digital Transformation training course to the Management Development Programme.

Development Programme

Digital Transformation
Programme (AFI)

Management Development Programme

At the ADECOSE Foundation we work alongside the European University of Madrid to lead a Management Development Programme designed for current managers and executives with potential from brokerage firms associated with the ADECOSE.

The objective of this programme is to train our professionals to anticipate and adapt to changes, develop management and administration skills, and improve their capacity for analysis and understanding of the environment.

The units studied in the programme will provide students with a global vision of business and help them master the key strategic tools and business practices so they can implement them within their organisations. They will also be able to enrich their professional careers by boosting their innovation and entrepreneurship skills, learning how to organise teams and establishing an extended network of contacts.


Units studied

in the Management Development Programme




Sales and

Management Skills

Feedback from

former students

Eduard BoterResponsable de Employee Benfits en Jori Armengol

Me ha sorprendido la claridad de los profesores, las ganas de ayudar, la amenidad de las clases y su compromiso, puedes contactar con ellos para consultar cualquier problema que puedes tener en el trabajo diario.

Aitor MoralesResponsable de Sector Sanitario en Brokers 88

Con las clases magistrales vemos desde dentro y con detalle el making of de cómo se desarrollan los procesos, desde la idea hasta la realización.

Sara PalazuelosEncargada de Deparamento de Operaciones en Bárymont

Este PDD está enfocado a las nuevas tecnologías y me ha ayudado a reciclarme y a reengancharme a las nuevas tendencias que hay en el mercado y en la sociedad.

Bárbara SommaResposable de RRHH de Cicor

En el PDD se aprende a trabajar en equipos, apreciando la diversidad de los compañeros, ya que todos tenemos un perfil muy diferente.

Javier MartínResponsable de particulares y directivos de Ubica Correduría de Seguros

Para mí es una oportunidad de formarme, de conocer a gente del sector, tendencias y crecer profesionalmente.

Miguel GilDirector de Internacional de Intermundial

La experiencia ha sido muy grata, te permite ampliar el rango de visión con otras áreas de la propia empresa y mejorar conocimientos. Está muy adaptado a la correduría de seguros, por lo que tiene una aplicabilidad directa en el día a día.

Mayka SánchezDirectora de Backoffice de Medicorasse

Para mí ha sido una relación con un valor incalculable, hemos conocido a profesionales con gran talento y know-how que nos permite crecer tanto profesionalmente en nuestra área como en otros aspectos que no creíamos poder alcanzar.




The Digital Transformation Programme is geared towards managers within the sector and is taught in collaboration with the AFI school, offering all managers from our associated brokerage firms the opportunity to learn new technologies that are essential for optimising their lines of business and driving new growth paths for their firms.

The units offered by the programme are focused on acquiring a strategic vision to search for opportunities in a global world, to learn about the main characteristics of e-commerce and marketplaces and to discover tools they can use to lead digital transformation and cultural change in their organisations.



Innovation and


Business and


Tech & Data

for Business



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